Effective frothy bloat prevention in a convenient block

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What is Frothy Bloat?
Frothy bloat (also known as pasture or legume bloat) is the entrapment of the normal gases of fermentation in a stable foam within the rumen. Left untreated, these gasses compress the heart and lungs and can result in death. In severe cases, death can occur in as little as a half hour from the onset of symptoms. Frothy bloat is most often associated with grazing lush, immature, legume pastures (alfalfa or clover) or cereal grain pastures (wheat, oats or rye).

What is Bloat Guard®?
Bloat Guard® is the only FDA-approved medicant approved for prevention of frothy bloat in cattle. Bloat Guard® reduces the surface tension in the walls of the bubbles so that they can combine with other bubbles and burst, thus releasing the gas.

Will Bloat Guard® Protect Against Different Types of Bloat?
No! Bloat Guard® is only effective in the prevention of frothy bloat. Bloat Guard® will not treat grain bloat (also known as feedlot bloat; caused by the overeating of grain) or free gas bloat (caused by physical obstruction).

Is Bloat Guard® Safe?
Bloat Guard® is safe for all classes of cattle, including pregnant and lactating cows and calves. There is no slaughter withdrawal for Bloat Guard®. Bloat Guard® is also safe for other species grazing with cattle, including horses.

How to Use These Blocks
Remove all other free choice sources of salt or minerals – white, yellow, blue or red salt blocks as well as any loose granular salt or mineral supplements. Other sources of salt can inhibit consumption of STOCKADE® Bloat Guard® Pressed Blocks and thus result in animals not receiving enough Bloat Guard® leaving cattle susceptible to bloat. Provide AT LEAST 1 block per 5 cattle. This allows each animal equal access to blocks. Once Bloat Guard® passes out of the rumen, the animal is not protected; therefore, it is vital that all cattle consume Bloat Guard® on a daily basis.

Where to Use These Blocks
Locate blocks throughout the pasture, placing them near watering, feeding and loafing areas or other areas where animals congregate. Do not force animals to travel or search for blocks.  Allow at least 10 feet between blocks to ensure equal access to blocks.

When to Use These Blocks
Because frothy bloat can literally kill overnight, it is best to stock up on STOCKADE® Bloat Guard® Pressed Blocks before lush pasture conditions develop.

See product label for additional product information and usage instructions.

Contact your local dealer for more information about availability or call 800-835-0306.

Bloat Guard® is a registered trademark of Phibro Animal Health