Introducing the NEW Blueprint product line

The Blueprint® nutritional program is designed to deliver needed mineral supplementation, but in a more efficient, targeted manner. Bioplex® organic trace minerals are better absorbed, stored and utilized by the animal than inorganic mineral sources.

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Better ranching through technology

The saying goes that you can’t manage what you can’t measure. This is especially true when it comes to feed. Given that feed costs account for over 80% of the cost of raising livestock, managing feed supplements is of utmost importance in maintaining productivity and profitability. In this regard Ridley Block Operations has developed technology to help you better manage your supplements.

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Don't let pinkeye make you see red

As we approach the hot summer months, more and more producers are dealing with the nuisance of pinkeye. Pinkeye is a highly infectious bacterial disease. Although pinkeye is nonfatal, it costs cattle producers over $150 million per year. These expenses result from decreased weight gain, reduced milk production and treatment costs. Additionally, infected animals are worth less at sale time. Pinkeye is second only to scours/diarrhea in terms of diseases affecting calves.

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Protein important for optimum forage utilization

Ruminants (cattle, sheep, goats, etc.) have the unique ability to utilize materials which are undigestible by humans (grasses, forbes and other roughages) and convert them into highly nutritious food for human consumption. This is made possible by the symbiotic relationship between rumen microbes and the ruminant. The ability to convert inexpensive, underutilized roughages into high quality meat and milk is the main advantage ruminants have over other commercially raised livestock (pork, poultry, etc.). Given that forages are among the least expensive feeds available, it goes without saying that anything we can do to maximize forage intake and/or utilization is going to positively affect economic returns.

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Making the most of your hay

What can you do when your hay quality isn’t the best and hay is in short supply so buying better hay isn’t an option? Well, research has shown that protein supplementation can increase digestibility of low quality forages up to 10%. That’s like having 10% more hay in your barn! Here’s how it works…

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Can I cut back on vitamin E?

With the recent spike in vitamin E prices affecting the cost of mineral/vitamin supplement products, many are now taking a hard look at their current supplement program. Which begs the question, why is vitamin E added to supplements and how much vitamin E is really necessary?

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