Fly control strategies for horse owners

Flies are among the most difficult horse pests to control. Some species of flies are blood feeders. Non-­biting flies can also cause problems as they can carry diseases and can be very annoying to both horses and humans. As rural areas are increasingly encroached upon by urban sprawl, nuisance lawsuits are on the rise too. With this in mind, it is no wonder that fly control is of vital importance to today’s savvy horse owners.

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Salt blocks and your horse

Many horse owners unwittingly sabotage their mineral supplement program by providing plain white or yellow salt blocks in place of, or in addition to, loose mineral supplements or mineral blocks. Unfortunately, most who do this think they are doing the right thing by their horse. This article is meant to educate horse owners on proper mineral management and nutrition.

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Can I cut back on vitamin E?

With the recent spike in vitamin E prices affecting the cost of mineral/vitamin supplement products, many are now taking a hard look at their current supplement program. Which begs the question, why is vitamin E added to supplements and how much vitamin E is really necessary?

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